English Laoshi Guarantee

English Laoshi operates with integrity, and provides a strong guarantee to each customer

The following guarantees cover all orders and ensures the true reliability of our services. As a British limited company, English Laoshi is subject to the laws of the United Kingdom.

1. Security and Privacy → 安全和隐私

a) English Laoshi treats the security and privacy of customer information with utmost confidentiality. English Laoshi will never knowingly disclose client information to third parties. 

b) Your data is protected, and all documents will be deleted from our system within 48 hours after the work is completed.

c)All personal information collected is subject to the UK’s Data Protection Act. Therefore, EnglishLaoshi will not not share, sell or disclose customer data.

2. Refund Policy → 退款政策

We are committed to the best interests of our customers and strive to improve customer satisfaction. Therefore, if reasonable evidence is provided to show dissatisfaction with the final product, a refund will be provided within 24 hours.
Furthermore, if English Laoshi is unable to fulfil the work, a full refund will be given within 24hrs. 

3. Changes to this Policy → 本政策的变更

English Laoshi reserves the right to change or add to this policy at any time. If we decide to make any changes, we will detail those changes on this page. 

Terms and Conditions:
These terms are subject to the laws of England and Wales, and both English Laoshi and the Client agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

We strongly advise you to read these Terms and Conditions carefully as they will apply in each and every instruction and will operate in conjunction with the agreed Contract for Services.

Academic Liability (Students):学术责任(学生)

  1. English Laoshi recommends that clients confirm that the use of a proofreading/editing service is permitted by your academic institution before engaging our service. English Laoshi will not check each academic institution’s policy on proofreading/editing and accept no liability if you fail to make adequate enquiries.

  2. Avoiding  plagiarism remains the responsibility of the student at all times. English Lasohi does not check your document for any possible plagiarism issues for the standard proofreading and editing service.

  3. The mark or grade you are awarded by your academic institution is not within English Laoshi’s control.

Services and Costs → 服务和花费

  1. English Laoshi will provide service(s) as mutually agreed, confirmed by the Client.


  2. Completed work will be provided with all changes clearly marked using the “track changes” feature (found in up-to-date versions of Word ).


  3. The Client will pay Englsih Laoshi a fee per 1,000 words.


  4. A deadline for the completion of the work will be confirmed prior to commencement of work.


  5. The completed work will be delivered on or before the date agreed, for the agreed fee, which will be based on the description of the work required and the brief.


  6. English Laoshi is not able to provide the contact details of our proofreaders to Client

Confidentiality and Data Protection

  1. The nature and content of the work will be kept confidential.

  2. English Laoshi may use the Client’s name in their promotional material, but will gain the Client’s express consent before doing so.

  3. Under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998, the English Laoshi may keep on record such information (e.g. contact details) as is necessary. Either may view the other’s records to ensure that they are relevant, correct and up to date.

  4. We will use the personal information you provide to us to:

    (a) provide the Services; 
    (b) process your payment for; 
    (c) inform you about similar products or services that we provide, but you may stop receiving these at any time by contacting us. 

Termination and Refunds

  1. Either the Client or English Laoshi has the right to terminate a Contract for Services if there is a serious breach of its terms.

  2. If you wish to cancel the contract after work has begun then you must notify English Laoshi in writing. You will be billed for the work that has been completed up to that point at the agreed rate.

Liability and Errors

  1. English Laoshi aims to provide an accurate, thorough and reliable proofreading and editing service. Although we aim to provide the best service possible, we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy (simply because of human error) and occasionally we may not correct errors.

    English Laoshi

  2. English Laoshi shall not be liable for any delay or failure to perform any obligation under these Terms and Conditions and both parties shall be released from their respective obligations if the delay or failure is caused by any circumstances beyond both parties’ reasonable control, including, but not limited to: fire, explosion, flood, war (or similar events such as national emergency or civil unrest), industrial disputes, technical failure, or any other similar event that renders the performance of obligations impossible. In such circumstances, the Client will immediately pay English Laoshi for all arrears of payments due.

  3. In the case of illness or sudden unforeseen unavailability of the English Laoshi proofreader/editor responsible for a Contract for Services, English Laoshi will notify the Client as soon as reasonably practicable and re-allocate the matter to another proofreader/editor within 24 hours. English Laoshi will use their best endeavour to ensure that the agreed deadline is maintained; however, in the event that the deadline cannot be met in such circumstances, an extended deadline will be agreed by the parties. Such agreed extension will not affect the agreed fee payable.

  4. English Laoshi reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions at any time without notice and without liability arising from such an action. Your use of the website and the company’s services will be deemed as acceptance of any amended Terms and Conditions.