学生养成的 5 个习惯会让你不断发展 –


21 岁的最后一年学生 Martin Hrnjak 分享了他在大学期间养成的五个习惯的智慧之言,这些习惯将帮助您发展为一个人,并在您毕业后轻松过渡到工作世界……




1. 只工作不玩耍让约翰尼成为一个呆板的男孩



2. 管理你的时间

很多次我听到我的同龄人说他们“没有时间”做某事。然而,每当我问他们空闲时间做什么时,大多数人都不知道该回答什么,而诚实的人会回答“我浏览 reddit、Facebook、Tumblr 等”。想一想……您每天在这样的网站上花费多少小时?很多时候,我们访问这些页面纯粹是出于无聊。现在想象一下,如果您将所有时间都用于完成家庭作业,或者从事兼职工作——或者其他任何比无休止滚动更有效率的事情。



4. 与合适的人相处







Martin 目前正在丹麦学习,正在攻读营销管理学士学位的最后一个学期。他最近开始在一家小型时尚初创公司 Trendhim 担任营销主管的新工作。在学习期间,他担任健身教练,并坚信大学是一个有很多机会成长和发展自己的时代。

Girl working on laptop

21-year-old final-year student Martin Hrnjak shares his words of wisdom on five habits to form during your time at uni that will help you to develop as a person and, when you graduate, ease the transition into the world of work…

I am in my final year of university, and yet again face a turning point in my life (these things seem to appear more often than when I was a teenager). Soon I will be exiting student life, and will be entering professional life.

Now those of us students (must make the most of being able to say I’m a student!) who have had internships during our education are fortunate in the fact that they will not be completely without experience. Experience is good, but as somebody who is moving from being an intern to being a part-time and later a full-time employee myself, I can say that the transition is not all smooth sailing.

As all of this information is very fresh in my mind, I thought it might help any students who are just beginning their university years to hear about some habits that they can begin developing ASAP, that will help them later on to ease the move into work life…

1. All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy

That’s right folks – this is a very important point to remember. If you don’t make time for yourself, getting burnt out is not a question of if but when, despite it going against what just about everyone thinks, more is not always better.

By resting and giving yourself time to recover from stress, when you do work, you are more efficient, relaxed and your productivity is higher; this also falls in line with the next habit.

2. Manage your time

So many times I hear my peers say that they ‘do not have time’ for something. Yet whenever I ask them what they do in their free time, most don’t know what to answer, and the honest ones answer ‘I browse reddit, Facebook, Tumblr, etc’. Think about it… how many hours a day do you spend on sites like these? A lot of the time it is out of sheer boredom that we visit these pages. Now imagine if you used all that time to get your homework done, or work a part-time job – or anything else that is much more productive than endless scrolling.

3. Handle your feelings

And no, that doesn’t mean keep them bottled up inside until you explode; this means you should take the time to reflect on yourself. Let’s face it, his time of your life is turbulent – you’ve probably moved out of home for the first time, if you’re not living in halls you’ll need to learn to take care of a flat or shared student house, deal with bills, take care of yourself, cook, budget and, of course, find time to study and socialise. There’s no doubt it can get overwhelming, but instead of giving up and living the life of a slob, take the time to work through your problems and feelings and chug on. I promise if you keep moving forward, you will look back at one point asking yourself why you were even worried.

4. Surround yourself with the right people

It is said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with, so make sure those five people are the kind of people you would not mind being yourself. This also involves networking – university is not just about studying, that is not the ‘main course’ so to speak. University is just as much about meeting people and becoming a person worth meeting. The more people you know, the better off you will be both in the present, and also down the line when you are in search of a job.

If you’re shy, this can be hard, but always keep in mind that everyone is in the same boat as you and that nobody worth knowing will judge you for wanting to meet people.

5. Take care of your fitness

If you don’t make time for fitness now, you will regret it later. Instead of worrying about how long a journey you have ahead of you, think about the last time you said just that; if you had been pursuing your goals since then, you would probably already have met them.

Fitness will keep you motivated, and keep your mind right – this is scientific fact. The more driven and confident you are, and the better your outlook on life is, the more likely you will find yourself in a situation that will benefit you down the line.

The sooner you build these habits, the more enjoyable your time at university will be. Of course, there are more than five habits that will benefit you, but these can be considered as the first drop in the water to create a ripple effect of good habits and effective work.

Martin is currently studying in Denmark, where he is in the final semester of his Marketing Management Bachelor’s degree. He recently began a new job as a marketing executive in a small fashion start-up Trendhim. During his studies, he worked as a fitness instructor, and strongly believes university is a time where there are lots of opportunities to grow and develop yourself.